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Mothers Day Bookmark Set #1Mothers Day Bookmark Set #2Mothers Day Bookmark Set #3

Mothers Day Bookmark Set

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Price: $6.00
Product ID BM-MothersDaySet

Set of 8 bookmarks, Mother's Day Collection
Size: 1.5" W x 7" H.

  • "You are as much serving God in looking after your own children, and training them up in God's fear, and minding the house, and making your household a church for God, as you would be if you had been called to lead an army to battle for the Lord of hosts." -Charles Spurgeon
  • "Now you are deep in what seems to me a peculiarly selfless service. The spiritual training of children must be that. You work for the years you will not see. You work for the Invisible all the time, but you work for the Eternal. So it is all worthwhile." -Amy Carmichael
  • "The process of shaping the child, shapes also the mother herself. Reverence for her sacred burden calls her to all that is pure and good, that she may teach primarily by her own humble, daily example." -Elisabeth Elliot
  • "Children are not a distraction from more important work. They are the most important work." -C.S. Lewis
  • 1 Corinthians 13:4-7
  • Proverbs 22:6
  • 1 Samuel 1:27
  • Proverbs 31:28-30

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